Out of the Box Innovations Ltd

How SEO Works for Oil and Gas Companies

OOTBI SEO services for oil and gas article illustration.

This article is not going to discuss SEO tactics, but…

… More about how we approach SEO services for oil and gas companies in particular.

If you’re responsible for marketing for your company or are perhaps a senior member or owner, you’ll be familiar with the basics of search engine optimisation. You might have seen articles about keyword research, backlinks, and on-page optimisation. There are thousands of SEO practitioners in the world. Many put up a website, copy the offers and wording of other companies and – hey presto, they’re an instant online SEO expert.

At the other end of the scale are large companies that perform SEO services for every industry that you can imagine. These large firms tend to have equally sizeable minimum contract prices and term arrangements.

Then there are the short cutters, the ‘Grey hat’ or ‘Black Hat’ SEO people who are always looking for loopholes, or ways to game the system. Results vary and range from fast rankings that last a while, to tactics that not only do not work but get your website removed from search indexes altogether.

Perhaps you have a friend, associate or family member who is recommending an SEO service that is working for them? How do you tell if their niche is more or less competitive? How would they know whether shady tactics got used that could result in a penalty?

Maybe you have thought about doing the search engine optimisation yourself? Or at least some of it? But then, if you are doing the SEO work, who is going to do YOUR job?

What is the answer when there are so many choices, and you don’t understand the topic well enough?

The answer is in using a company that has deep oil and gas industry experience, and skin in the game.

OOTBI SEO services for oil and gas article illustration.

OOTBI mainly provides SEO services for oil and gas companies

While we do offer our services to solar and local clients, we started in oil and gas. We currently spend almost all of our time working in the oil sector.

This focus means that we have already done many of the time-consuming tasks such as keyword research and competitive intelligence. We understand the nuances and industry jargon. We can write headlines, articles, alt tags and meta tags using words that the search engines understand, as well as YOUR clients.

We know that every industry has its tone and community. Did you know that SEO ranking factors vary between sectors as well? What works in health or travel might create an unnatural search footprint for your oil industry website. To Google, it could look like you are deliberately trying to manipulate their algorithm!

The secret to good SEO is to do it ethically and get a result that is acceptable to all involved — everyone ranging from your clients to your co-workers, to the general public. Importantly, we need to stay in good standing with the search engines.

Why are the search engines important? Because this is the topic of the job at hand. Search is the ‘S’ in SEO; we are not talking about customer satisfaction surveys or regulatory compliance.

In the world of SEO, your online footprint must look completely natural, and ‘survive’ a human review by someone in a search engine anti-spam division. Unfortunately, much of the SEO work that we see will not pass these criteria.

We have skin in the game

We want to produce great results for your SEO campaign, not just for the usual reasons that every company in every industry talks about (repeat business, referrals, etc.) but…

Because we are entrenched in the oil and gas industry, our MD and Founder Jason is also involved in a recruitment company and an O+G services company. We are currently maintaining some of the most established and respected websites in the industry.

The oil and gas business has a relatively tight-knit community. We know that a failure in one area will damage credibility and respect in others. We can’t afford to mess up your SEO work. We can decline the start of new contracts unless we are confident of a good result.

We are in the same industry group and have the same friends as you do.

Well, perhaps not precisely the same friends. (But it is possible).

In every part of your business, it makes sense to work with people who understand what you want, and what you need from them. From sales representatives to electricians, to accountants and lawyers, it is best to deal with people that have experience of the oil business.

We also have advantages in many of the areas where other SEO companies struggle. We can do many things more efficiently and effectively. For example:

One effective way of getting your message out is to write articles on respected industry websites. These are called guest articles. We can help you with that very quickly; we can ask our friends.

To get traction on your new social media page, an SEO company might get you 100 ‘likes’. Who are clicking these like buttons? Teenagers in Russia or China? Spambots? We can tweet or share your company news to our audience of oil and gas people!

These are just a couple of examples of why you should deal with us.

SEO Services for Oil and Gas Companies… BY an Oil and Gas SEO agency!

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