Out of the Box Innovations Ltd

Religious fervour from clients with god-like marketing

God Like Marketing

For those who believe, God is everywhere, and this applies to brand believers too. Once we’re sold on something, we keep seeing it, hearing about it and sharing the news with others. Most brand leaders have mastered God-like marketing.

Modern marketing strategies get enhanced by the fact that we live in an age of fast testing, instant feedback, and opportunities to scale quickly. In comparison to previous generations, there’s so much opportunity.


Is the practice of ‘being everywhere’. Fortunately, we don’t mean this literally (unless you’re a multinational like Mcdonald’s or Coca-Cola, that would be too much to handle). Unlike a god who is everywhere, we only need to be present wherever topics such as industrial workplace efficiency and health and safety best practices get discussed. At conferences, in board rooms, in the hearts and minds of managers and supervisors – Most importantly, all over the internet, in relevant places.


By being omnipresent, we find ourselves in the middle of conversations. We’re observers, collaborators and confidants. The market tells us what is optimised or lacking, what people want and what they need. In addition to being in touch with our clients, we find out about everyone else. We do this through networking, social media, trade shows, forums and by keeping up with significant events.


Being everywhere and seeing everything leads to the goal of omnipotence. We’re so in tune with our industry that we know what our clients require better than they do. We see the future and guide our clients towards it with a steady hand. Being at the centre of gravity within our sector, it almost feels like it revolves around us, yet we always stay as humble servants.

Here are a few past, present, and future marketing channels to start the brainstorming. All have been wildly successful in the right situation. None can be dismissed until tested. It’s not realistic to do them all at once, but we can steadily work through them over the coming years, keeping our marketing fresh.


Newspapers, Magazines, Leaflets, Trade Shows, Radio, Free Surveys, Sponsorship, Government or Educational Partnerships, NGOs, Industry Bodies, Prize Draws, Events, Exhibitions and Roadshows, Public relations.


Knocking on Doors, Telemarketing, Cold Email, Social Media Advertising, Social Media Marketing, Search Engine Optimisation, SMS, Content Marketing, Forums, Pay per click adverts, Affiliate Agreements, Referral Programmes, Certification Schemes, Corporate Mentorships, System Stress Tests, Influencer Marketing.


god like marketing

Chatbots, Voice Search Optimisation, Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, Remote Software, Asynchronous Communication, Internet Of Things.

Plus the latest versions of the past and present!

God-Like Marketing Requires A Systemic Approach

With so many channels, which do we choose? We retain what has created an ROI in the past as our foundation. Then we systematically test each channel. We decide how much time or money we want to invest in each channel and how long we anticipate results should take. Some channels produce immediate results; others can take up to a year, occasionally longer.

When we test each new channel, we do it with an open mind. If we or others have failed before, perhaps the timing was wrong; maybe it was something we did. We don’t write anything off until we’ve tested again. Each time a channel shows a clear ROI, it moves across to our group of foundation channels. The foundational channels are self-funding through measurable results.

By testing and scaling, we reinforce our core God-like marketing strategy. As long as we conduct every campaign ethically, each one strengthens our brand. Each marketing channel helps to compound the reach of our message.

By testing every channel, including new ones, we nurture our omnipresence, omniscience and eventually, omnipotence. You become known as the leader in your field, not just in your local vicinity but potentially around the country, region or world.

god like marketing
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